The First Descendant | Top 10 Sexiest Characters & Outfits

Ten of the sexiest characters and outfits in The First Descendant.

Opinion by Nine_toes on  Sep 22, 2024

The First Descendant is a great third-person shooter incorporating lots of maneuverability and unique ideas within its gameplay while letting you grind it out on their PvE missions with friends. It's a mix of Destiny and Warframe with its own lively twist. While this game may seem like old news at a glance, its popularity speaks numbers towards its success.

The lore's great, too, with the Descendants… well, descending upon humans with their superhuman powers at a time of crisis in a war against the joint terror caused by the Vulgus and Collosi. We've had the privilege to try out the beta of The First Descendant, and we also have a review of it here.

Now, while the gameplay and lore are both excellent, it is hard to overlook the fan service, which has lured many of us, after which we have been hooked by the other aspects of the game. I think many gamers stand by this motto, if the character you are playing isn't perceived as cool or attractive, the player is less likely to keep playing. Look at Concord, for example. The gameplay was alright, but the subpar character designs made it difficult for players to resonate with, leading to the game's prompt demise.

With the pleasantries out of the way, here are the top 10 sexiest characters and outfits in The First Descendant to keep you playing.


The First Descendant, Top 10 Sexiest Characters & Outfits, List. Images. NoobFeed

Viessa, infamously known as The Ice Queen, is one of the three starting characters you can choose from when you first start The First Descendant. She comes at you cold and hard with her stare. In theme with her overall vibe, she is a debuffer in combat who uses Chill at will, freezing enemies in place and putting out cool bursts of attacks as she sprints between them with boosted movement speed.

Viessa's origin is rather humble. She was a runner of a smuggling gang in the underworld of Albion—and she was the best among her peers. She managed to nab the shiniest goods by looting a city-frozen DeadBride, a colossus.

One day, Viessa's presence awakened the dormant colossus slumber, and she had to defeat it with the help of the Descendant Corp, who detected an abnormality in the area. In the hands of the Descendant Corp, Viessa was sentenced to become a Descendant for her days as a serial nabber. Grateful for not facing prison time, Viessa accepts her fate.

ULT VALBY (Ultimate Valby)

The First Descendant, Top 10 Sexiest Characters & Outfits, List. Images. NoobFeed

Valby, with her bubbly attitude, slides onto the battlefield with her waterborne powers as a Constant DPS—except with juiced-up powers, thanks to The Ultimate Descendant Project.

Now, with Valby's body being entirely out of water, the Magisters scratched their heads, trying to figure out how to contain her while keeping a human form. Luckily, they could modify some Ultimate Equipment Bunny stole to give us Ultimate Valby.

Juiced-up powers, a lighter weight, and a tighter seal mean it could contain even more of a liquified Valby. This caused her to change her skin tone and get closer to what her former body truly looked like.

ULT GLEY (Ultimate Gley)

The First Descendant, Top 10 Sexiest Characters & Outfits, List. Images. NoobFeed

Gley's vampiric abilities become even more powerful thanks to the Ultimate Descendant Project. She takes away some of her life force and enters a state of enhanced frenzy to demolish everything in her way.

Gley threatens the Magisters with her powers to ensure she gets the Ultimate treatment despite her powers not originating from the Ancestors. Fueled by the desire to reconnect with her lost daughter, Gley can go to any lengths to gain more power.

Gley's new armor takes inspiration from Viessa's emission-type abilities and succeeds in enhancing her frenzy and vampirism. Now, she is even more of a force to be reckoned with, a juiced-up scientist who is out for blood.

ULT BUNNY (Ultimate Bunny)

The First Descendant, Top 10 Sexiest Characters & Outfits, List. Images. NoobFeed

Ah, Ultimate Bunny. Her form has made its way into the minds of even non-The First Descendant players. Her outfit blitzed onto the internet, taking it by storm like her Electric powers.

All Bunny cares about is running as fast as possible and living by her motto, "First come, first serve"." The Ultimate Descendant Project presents her with an outfit made from unidentified equipment: a full-body skin suit with some missing components.

Everything needed to run as fast as possible for as long as possible comes at the cost of some areas of Bunny's body being exposed, but that only contributes to the armor being lighter. Bunny believes she doesn't need defenses if she never gets hit in the first place, and absolutely no one is complaining about this decision.


The First Descendant, Top 10 Sexiest Characters & Outfits, List. Images. NoobFeed

Luna is an artsy Support type descendant who buffs her allies with her music while on the battlefield.

Talented in her singing, Luna was sought out once the Descendant Corp noticed her residential area being abnormally stable. Upon an Arche test, she was revealed to be a Descendant and joined immediately afterward. She is capable of manipulating sound waves to ease and comfort listeners.

In contrast to her benevolent capabilities, Luna is a bit of a free spirit with frequent mood swings. She's a rowdy one, even dancing to music during crucial meetings. HQ chose to deal with her, though, as there is some gracefulness in her chaos.


The First Descendant, Top 10 Sexiest Characters & Outfits, List. Images. NoobFeed

Valby's a Constant DPS who drenches the entire battlefield in The First Descendant and slides across on wet ground with increased movement speed.

Valby is pure at heart. Before she knew she had any powers, she wondered why the lakes, oceans, and valleys had to be polluted, with most bodies of water turning murky due to Vulgus Kuiper mining. On a fateful day, Valby comes across a clear lake, where she is attacked by a Vulgus.

Thrown into the lake after being heavily injured, she manifests her Arche and becomes one with the water. Valby emerges from the lake, summoning a metric ton of water with her, and crushes her opponent. It was not long until she was recognized as a Descendant after this incident.


The First Descendant, Top 10 Sexiest Characters & Outfits, List. Images. NoobFeed

Using her Toxic powers, Freyna infects her enemies with Venom and whittles down their HP, dealing continuous Damage over Time. Her kit is all about applying poison DoT in a large AoE.

Freyna, known as 'No. 6', was an elite assassin in Albion's secretive Colon unit, tasked with eliminating threats without hesitation. During the infamous Room 0 Incident, her squad, including her lover O'Neill, mutated into Vulgus. Following her training, Freyna was forced to kill them all, including O'Neill, whose final words, "You must live," still haunt her.

Freyna's toxic venom, Arche, saved her from the spores that killed her team. However, guilt and trauma consumed her, leading to quarantine until a neutralizer was developed. Now free, she fights on, carrying O'Neill's last wish.


The First Descendant, Top 10 Sexiest Characters & Outfits, List. Images. NoobFeed

Gley is the enraged scientist who chooses to be front and center on the battlefield. She's a Utility Dealer who goes into a state of frenzy and deals extra damage to her opponents at the cost of some of her HP. Like a vampire, her entire kit is based on health sacrifice and life stealing.

She lived by the motto, "Until the very end." When her daughter, Dia, questioned who would look after her, Gley's fears grew as Dia enlisted in the military. Both were captured during a mission and subjected to horrific experiments by the Order of Truth. Gley awoke to find Dia missing, but with a spark of hope, she vowed to never give up. Her mission was now to rescue her daughter—no matter the cost.


The First Descendant, Top 10 Sexiest Characters & Outfits, List. Images. NoobFeed

Hailey is a sniper focusing on dishing out damage from a safe distance. She is so, so strong if you can manage to target enemy weak points. She uses the power of Chill to aid her in combat.

As the youngest in the 33rd Sniper Squad, Hailey lived by her mantra: "Take out every enemy, and everyone returns alive." On a mission with the 16th Recon Squad, things went wrong when Vulgus forces detected them. Ordered to retreat, Hailey refused and, with perfect precision, eliminated the enemies, breaking the squad's jinx of failure.

Afterward, tests revealed Hailey had the 'Supercooling Arche,' allowing her to lower her body temperature and fire Arche clusters. She left her sniper squad to become a Descendant, still vowing to uphold the mantra that had finally come true.


The First Descendant, Top 10 Sexiest Characters & Outfits, List. Images. NoobFeed

Yujin is a heartthrob who strives to keep his allies alive on the battlefield with his drones. He also buffs his allies based on the distance between him and his allies.

To no one's surprise, this medic was a doctor joining forces as a Descendant. Surprisingly, though, What'she reluctantly began serving in the military once his mother submitted his application to HQ.

Yujin was mad at first, wondering why he would save people who have no hope, but his mother believed people needed saving regardless of their situation and got her point across with a slap. His mother became one of the victims of the Vulgus, and Yujin has been a devoted medic on the battlefield ever since.

Ahnaf Tajwar Shayan

Editor, NoobFeed

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